Международная кухня | Ресторан |Manesar | город Гургаон рядом с Toll Plaza Manesar | - Позвоните нам или забронируйте столик онлайн в The Lounge в Hyatt Regency Gurgaon и насладитесь высокой кухней в городе Гургаон | Выпечка, Десерты, Гриль

The Lounge

Международная кухня Manesar A casual & cozy lounge with carefully selected spirits, tea, coffees and delicious mouth watering dishes specially curated to suit everyone's palate

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The Lounge

A casual & cozy lounge with carefully selected spirits, tea, coffees and delicious mouth watering dishes specially curated to suit everyone's palate

The Lounge offers an excellent selection of liquor, premium teas and coffees along with an assortment of tapas, freshly baked croissant and homemade pastries. Situated at the lobby level, the casual and cozy lounge operates for 24/7. The Lounge is a comfortable environment for in house guests and visitors to convene and connect. It offers a light menu with salads and snacks along with a wide selection of beverages all day long.



Полночь - 11:55 PM Сейчас открыто


The Lounge, Hyatt Regency Gurgaon New Delhi NCR, NH8, Sector 83, Gurugram, Haryana 122004, India

Contact Us

Icon +91 124 502 1160